5 Amazing Hacks to Keep Your Home Energy Efficient

Scarborough Research found that 53% of homeowners completed some sort of home improvement in the past year. Before deciding to undertake a home improvement, many homeowners weigh two factors: the cost and the added value. Some home improvement projects can be cosmetic and have a dramatic impact on curb appeal. Others offer both aesthetic appeal and added value.

Why not consider cost-effective projects that will add value to your home in the long term? Homeowners tend to delay making home improvements until it’s absolutely necessary due to the perceived costs of such projects. It’s understandable that homeowners delay home improvements until they are absolutely necessary.

However, taking action can help them enjoy a more comfortable indoor environment and also see a return on investment. Replace your windows, add solar panels, and seal any cracks or leaks to your HVAC system, which are all improvements that will have a significant impact on your home’s energy efficiency.

Energy bills can cost thousands of dollars per year. However, by implementing the following tips to improve energy efficiency at home, you will be able to reduce energy costs and add value to your house.

Why should you be concerned about your home’s energy efficiency?

Climate change is causing many people to be concerned about their carbon footprint. You can see how people are trying to reduce energy consumption by looking at the many new hybrid cars on sale or the recent advertisements for high-efficiency appliances. Although energy efficiency is not a new concept, it’s still not widely understood.

The benefits of energy efficiency are not limited to your home. Increased energy efficiency in a home has many immediate benefits for homeowners and also helps the environment.

You need less fuel when you use less energy. Why is this important?

Fossil Fuels have two main negative effects on the environment. The first is that they disrupt natural habitats because of the drilling and mining required. When fossil fuels are burned, they release toxic gases that pollute the atmosphere and have an impact on climate change. You and your family can reduce their carbon footprint by using energy-efficient products and materials.

Cost is the number one reason why homeowners are interested in improving energy efficiency. Energy bills are high when you use a large amount of energy. You can save money by implementing energy-efficient initiatives like solar power or hybrid cars.

1. You can hire a professional inspector

property inspector and contractor

It’s all very good to talk about improving energy efficiency at home, but where do you start? It can be overwhelming and difficult to decide where to start when there are so many options available for smart home technology and innovative products. You should hire an inspector to help you.

A home energy audit is a service offered by many companies. This includes some of the largest energy companies. A professional inspector will come to your house and assess the current efficiency.

An energy audit can help you understand the efficiency of your home and how you can make improvements to save money. A home energy audit usually includes several steps.

  • Exterior: Your home’s exterior will be the first thing that is examined during your energy audit. Your inspector will check your walls, windows, and eaves for signs of cracks or leaks.
  • Interior: Your energy auditor will inspect your attic to determine if it is properly insulated and assess any air leakage. Your professional inspector will also want to check all your electrical outlets. An explosion-proof wire seal can help reduce energy loss.
  • HVAC System: HVAC systems are usually included in-home energy audits. The quality of indoor air can be affected by air leakage, which is a leading cause of energy losses. A consultant in air quality can help you determine if there are ways to improve the quality of your indoor air. You’ll know what improvements you can make to your home based on the results of the audit.

2. Check for leaks and cracks in your home’s systems

How old is your heating and cooling system? Most homeowners will not make major purchases like a furnace until they have no choice. If your system is old and inefficient, this could be contributing to high energy bills.

In the past few decades, there have been huge improvements in heating and cooling systems for homes. Heating systems between 15 and 20 years old and cooling systems older than 10 years are generally considered inefficient. It is possible to increase the energy efficiency and comfort of your home by replacing outdated systems.

You can still improve your system’s energy efficiency even if you don’t have to replace it. Inspect your systems carefully, checking for cracks and leaks. As mentioned above, a professional home energy audit will include an inspection and testing of your heating and cooling system.

3. Make any necessary repairs and adjustments

You can start making repairs as soon as you identify the areas and systems that need attention. Some things will be obvious, but others can be subtle. If your basement floods and you don’t seek the right water damage repair service, the damage could become more serious and lead to other issues, such as the structural integrity of your home being compromised.

It’s crucial to contact a professional as soon as possible if you have experienced water damage. Basement sealing can improve your home’s energy efficiency and prevent future moisture intrusion.

You can improve the efficiency of your house from the bottom to the top. You should also check your attic. It’s important to ensure that it is properly and fully insulated in order to keep heat from escaping and leaking out during winter.

Seal any cracks or leaks in your system to increase its efficiency. Sealing cracks, gaps, and leaks can save you up to 10% in energy costs. You can increase your home’s energy efficiency by changing a few small, inexpensive habits and things. These include:

  • Replace old bulbs with LED bulbs that last longer, and use natural light when possible.
  • Turn electronics on only when needed. It’s amazing how much electricity you can save if you simply leave your computer, printer, or other devices turned off until you need them. Remember to unplug any items you are not using.
  • Wash your clothes with cold water instead of hot.
  • On average, lighting accounts for 12% of your energy bill. Remember to turn off the lights in rooms you’re not using.
  • Avoid making your heating and cooling system work harder than necessary. Use ceiling fans in the summer and lower your blinds when the temperature is high outside.

4. Keep the air inside your home or office warm or cold.

Window replacement is one of the most cost-effective ways to increase the energy efficiency of your home. You could be wasting money if your windows are old and inefficient. Air leaks can also have an impact on indoor comfort. They not only cost you more money through higher energy bills, but they also increase your monthly bill. The energy-efficient windows will help you regulate your home’s temperature to create a more comfortable atmosphere. They also reduce noise pollution, so you can enjoy more peace and tranquility.

A home improvement expert can help you choose the right windows for your home. You can find energy-efficient windows in many different styles that match your home’s architecture. Double or triple-pane windows, argon-filled glass, improved insulation, and weather seals are all things to look out for when choosing an energy-efficient window.

Windows are an important part of your home’s energy efficiency and can help reduce your energy bill, but they are not the only thing to consider. Eco-friendly garage services are a good idea whether you use your garage for a game room, as a guest room, or to store household goods. You can regulate the garage temperature more efficiently with the right garage doors.

5. Consider Installing Solar Panels

solar panel installation

Your roof is more than a barrier against bad weather. It also plays an important role in the efficiency of your home. A roof with missing shingles is not only unsightly and can expose your home to dangers, but it also leads to energy losses.

Roofing materials can improve the energy efficiency of your home. Asphalt shingles are three of the materials that can improve efficiency. You’re not sure which type of roof would work best for your house? A roofing company with experience will be able to help you choose the right materials for your home.

Installing solar panels is another way a roofing contractor can help improve the efficiency of your home. Solar panels can still produce energy even if you don’t live in an area with a lot of sunshine, such as Florida or California. Even diffused and indirect sunlight can still power your home.

Solar energy is 100% renewable, which means that your carbon footprint will be significantly reduced. Clean energy is not only good for the environment, but it can also provide you with generous tax rebates and incentives.
Many people are eligible for a federal tax credit equal to 30% of the cost of their solar panel system. You’ll get a return almost instantly. You may also be eligible for various tax credits, depending on your location, to encourage you to use solar energy instead of traditional sources.

There are many options when it comes to improving energy efficiency at home. It’s not necessary to replace all your windows or install a solar panel roof system. Start today by remembering to switch off the lights when you leave the room and unplug electronics until you are ready to use them. You can improve your home’s energy efficiency by replacing light bulbs or adding weather strips to existing windows.

Why not hire an energy auditor to help you reduce your carbon footprint? You will at least be informed about areas in your home that could use improvement. You can make a significant difference in the energy efficiency of your home by investing in different areas and systems.

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